Terminalia Arjuna Extract

Botanical Name :       TerminaliaArjuna
Common Names :     Arjun, Arjuna, Kahu
Family :                        Combretaceae

Plant Description:

Terminalia arjuna is a widely used medicinal plant throughout India and popular in various Indigenous System of Medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani. This tree is commonly found in lower Himalaya, Bengal, Central and southern India. It‟s a large tree with spreading branches. In the Indian System of Medicine, the bark is used as cardiotonic, in fractures, ulcers, cough, tumour, asthma, inflammation and skin disorders.

Chemical Constituents:

●  Steroidal Saponins
        🢒   Arjunolic acid
●  Arjunic acid
●  Arjunogenin
●  β-Sitosterol
●  Arjun glucoside I-III
●  Arjunosides I-IV
●  Arjunone
●  Arjunolone

Active content:

Total Saponins :       20% & 40%
Shatavarin I :            1%

Therapeutic uses:

●  Anti-oxidant
●  Cardiotonic & stimulant
●  Immunomodulator
●  Improvement of liver functions
●  Astringent
●  Cardiovascular support
●  Angina pain
●  Hypertension


1. Amalraj A, Gopi S. Medicinal properties of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.: a review. Journal of traditional and complementary medicine. 2017 Jan 1;7(1):65-78.
2. Paarakh PM. Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wt. and Arn.: a review. IJP-International Journal of Pharmacology. 2010;6(5):515-34.