Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Botanical Name :       Tribulus terrestris
Common Names :      Gokhru, Gokshura
Family :                         Zygophyllaceae

Plant Description:

Tribulus terrestris L. is found to be growing in subtropical areas around the world. It‟s a perennial plant with many slender spreading branches and silky villious young parts. The fruits of T. terrestris L. have been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian medicine as a tonic and aphrodisiac. It has been used in India as a treatment for impotence and as a stimulant to enhance sexual performance, diuretic, urinary discharges and impotence.

Chemical Constituents:

●  Diosgenin glycosides
        🢒   Terrestrosin A-E.
●  Dioscin
●  Gitonin
●  Terrestroside

Active content:

Total Saponins:             40%-60%

Therapeutic uses:

●  Diuretic
●  Cardiac stimulant
●   Anti-tumour
●  Anti-diabetic
●   Renal diseases
●   Anti-bacterial
●  Increase power & strength Spermtogenic


1. Semerdjieva IB, Zheljazkov VD. Chemical constituents, biological properties, and uses of Tribulus terrestris: A review. Natural Product Communications. 2019 Aug;14(8):1934578X19868394
2. Akram M, Asif HM, Akhtar N, Shah PA, Uzair M, Shaheen G, Shamim T, Shah SA, Ahmad K. Tribulus terrestris Linn.: a review article. J Med Plants Res. 2011 Aug 18;5(16):3601-5.